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IOT Pinball Puts Oktoberfest Fun On Tap
We don’t really miss going out to bars all that much, unless you’re talking about the one downtown with all the pinball machines. Don’t get us wrong — pinball emulators have gotten crazy good, and you can find exact digital replicas of most machines to play on your phone or …read more
Despite being cooked up by Compuserve back in the late 1980s, GIFs have seen a resurgence on the modern internet, mostly because they’re fun. However, all our small embedded systems are getting color screens these days, and they’d love to join in the party. [Larry Bank] has whipped up a …read more
腾讯网游加速器2.0 无限时长完美破解VIP会员去更新绿色版 ...:2021-6-1 · 该文章已经超过1年未更新,可能无法为您提供及时准确的资讯,请根据当下实际情况,酌情参考本文内容。 腾讯网游加速器最新无限时长完美VIP会员加速进门钥匙版由本站收集,马化腾大企鹅出品加速器高效解决国内玩家玩海外游戏的网络问题。
We are saddened to report that William English, co-inventor of the computer mouse, died July 26 in San Rafael, California. He was 91 years old.
Every piece of technology starts with a vision, a vague notion of how a thing could or should be. The computer mouse is no different. 加速器去
Hack A Folding Bike To Help You Catch Some Pike
For many of us, this whole pandemic thing has produced some unexpected upsides. One of [George Turvey]’s was finding a nice new scenic route to work that goes by a lake with bike trails. [George] thought it might be nice to go fishing after work, and use a folding bike …read more
泡泡加速器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-3-30 · 泡泡加速器官方版是一款专用于绝地求生大逃杀游戏的加速工具,泡泡加速器官方版功能强劲,绿色小巧,能够让你彻底告别延迟与丢包,让你的游戏更加流畅,完美体验游戏。泡泡加速器采用云智能加速技术,傻瓜式优化压榨电脑性能,按小时计费,方便快捷,畅玩到爽!
Digital security is always a moving target, with no one device or system every being truly secure. Whether its cryptographic systems being compromised, software being hacked, or baked-in hardware vulnerabilities, it seems there is always a hole to be found. [Max Justicz] has a taste for such topics, and decided …read more
Linux-Fu: Help Messages For Shell Scripts And Here Documents
Imagine that you want to output multiple lines of text in Bash, or any shell script. Maybe it’s for a help string for a particularly convoluted shell script you’re writing. You could have a separate
command for each line. Or you could use the “here document“.The “here document” …read more
Words cannot quite articulate the collective loathing humankind has for mosquitoes, and rightfully so! These parasite peddling, blood sucking little critters are responsible for a great deal of human suffering. Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria still account for a significant proportion of human mortality, especially in under-developed parts of the …read more